Learn English with Apricot English School!

We offer fast and effective ways to learn English with flexible learning options and customized learning programs. We help students gain skills and confidence through immersive and goal orientated language learning courses.

Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話
Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話

Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話

Congratulations to all who have passed the June 2021 Eiken exam!


★ Please note - all classes are now almost full. We have availabilities for the Nensho class and the First and Second grader class. ★ Please note - classes from 5th grade onwards are currently full. ★ Please note - demo lessons (reservation required) are held on Sundays. If you would like to know more, please get in touch with us at info@apricotenglishschool.com.


Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話



Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話



Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話



Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話



Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話


Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話
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Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話


~Parental role in the course will be discussed in the demo lesson~

Core Features

※ Vocabulary input using sight and hearing

※ As a general rule, sentences are comprised of 1 to 4 words

※ In class, students' attention is kept by playing 3 games and theme songs

※ Picture book reading practice

Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話

1st - 4th grade

~Parental role in the course will be discussed in the demo lesson~

Core Features

※ All lessons are conducted in English in preparation for junior high school classes

※ Level improvement by focusing on vocabulary that frequently appears in the Junior Eiken test

※ Longer sentence practice (between 3-7 words)

※ Three games are used during lessons to help reinforce vocabulary and sentences

※ Story book reading practice to strengthen pronunciation and listening.

Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話

5th grade and above

~Parental role in the course will be discussed in the demo lesson~

Core Features

※ These courses are equivalent level to the English classes taught at junior high and high schools.

※ Dialog focused, eyeing university entrance exams. (Currently, over 50% of the English in major tests is based on conversation. In the near future, English skills will be measured based primarily on output.)

※ Conversation skills are improved through vocabulary review, sentence pattern drill and verbal interaction with partners.

Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話

Private Lessons

~Parental role in the course will be discussed in the demo lesson~

Core Features

※ Our private English classes feature one-on-one lessons.

※ The course and textbooks are tailored to students' specific purpose, level and situation. (This could mean a greater emphasis on business conversation skills or focusing on travel-related language skills among others.)

※ While the conversation practice is always fun and enjoyable, we concentrate on speeding up your progress and helping you gain confidence in using English.

Our Prices
Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話
There are 44 lessons in a single school year. Textbook prices vary depending on students' age and grade, and details will be provided in the demo lesson.
Our Timetable
10:00Private LessonsPrivate LessonsPrivate LessonsPrivate Lessons10:00Toddlers
11:05Private LessonsPrivate LessonsPrivate LessonsPrivate Lessons11:00Intro
Please refer to the table for time slots and classes. In case you have any questions about particular classes, feel free to drop us a line.
Apricot English School エイプリコット英会話
  • Learn English the fast and effective way
  • Find flexible learning options and customized programs
  • Immerse yourself in a friendly foreign culture experience
  • Let us help you gain skills and confidence
Our Team

Ai Matsushita

Founder / Proficient in: English and Japanese
TOEIC® 990 points / Eiken® Level 1
TEFL Certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Minko Nenov

Foreign instructor
TEFL Certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Loraine Kinoshita

Foreign instructor
TESOL (外国語としての英語教授法)

What Our Students Say

I have been taking conversation based lessons at Apricot once a week for 2 months and Eiken exam preparation lessons for another 2 months. Within those four months I've achieved so much! My teacher explained every lesson's content and provided feedback to my parents after every lesson. She also outlined how to prepare and review the coming lessons. Within those short four months I feel I've improved my pronunciation of common English sounds (phonics) and I'm now able to read words that I had never seen before. I also practiced reading my homework aloud in front of my parents until I could recite it in the next lesson. The classes aren't grammar heavy, but rather emphasize on specific English sounds and teach how to move your tongue in order to pronounce them properly. In the class before my exam, I was a bit nervous and talked less than usual, but remembered what my teacher has taught me. On the test day we had a heavy snowfall, which is very rare in Kagoshima. I went to the test site with my parents. When I found out that I had passed the exam, my classmates in the English conversation class were happy for me. Since then, I have gained more confidence than ever before and am working harder than ever to learn English.
a sixth grader

When I first joined the school, I understood the English instructions well. (Sit down, stand up, open your book.) At that time I couldn't read by myself yet, because I hadn't practiced reading until then. Writing in English was challenging as well. After a few months of learning phonics however, I was able to read and write words by myself. Nowadays, my pronunciation is much better, and I'm now eager to find words that I haven't learned at school. My teacher is bilingual and her lessons are fun, have a good pace, and provide valuable content. The added benefit of attending the classes with friends motivates me to do my best even more. Back in the day, I used to dislike my previous English conversation class, but now I truly enjoy it. With the detailed support my teacher gives and the preparation I do at home, I no longer have any concerns about learning English.
a first-year junior high school student

It was my very first English lesson and I was naturally a little nervous at first. But from the day I received the textbook, I was given a very clear explanation onto how to prepare, so I started studying with my parents right away. I took the initiative in making English learning notes and practicing writing while listening to the student CD. After repeating this routine for a few days and attending the lesson, I was astonished to see myself speak English aloud in class much more than I have ever done before. This experience gave me confidence in my abilities. Our bilingual teacher's lessons are detailed and easy to understand, which helps me define the areas I need to work on.
a fourth grader

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