
Our Team

Ai Matsushita

Founder / Instructor

TOEIC® 990 points
Eiken® Level 1
TEFL Certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

I have worked at a major English conversation school (in the metropolitan area) as a head teacher for 6 years. During that time I was in charge of conversation classes and English proficiency test preparation classes, ranging from baby to adult advanced conversation classes. I have also received the Best Academic Affairs Chief Award multiple times. I have lived in the United States for five years, where I studied tourism followed by a year and a half of employment at a travel agency. Examples of students' improvement: TOEIC® English Proficiency Test: Mr. A 330 points → 630 points. Mr. B 550 points → 730 points. among many others. (all of whom improved within 3 months), Eiken® English Proficiency Test: a 5-year-old student received the Eiken Bronze with a perfect score; 6-year-old kindergarteners - Eiken® 5th grade; 3rd graders Eiken® -level 3; 6th grader - Eiken® level 2.

Minko Nenov

Foreign instructor

TEFL Certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

東京近郊の大手英会話スクールに3年半勤務。 優秀講師賞を受賞。 指導歴:幼児クラスからビジネス会話・上級クラスまでを担当。 鹿児島市の小学校で英語活動の授業担当。指導した生徒数は、大人約500人・子供約550人。(小学校英語活動の生徒を除く。) ブルガリア出身であるが、ドバイ・アメリカで学業および就業を経験。 専攻は、グラフィックデザイン・工業デザイン。

Yuka Irimizu

Foreign instructor

TOEIC 960 points, Eiken 1st grade

Teaches students from infant classes to advanced classes. Worked at a major English conversation school for over 25 years. After studying abroad in Australia, she has been active in a wide range of fields, including English conversation for kids and English conversation instruction for business and adult students.

Who We Are

We’re an independent English language school located steps away from Yahata Elementary School in Shimoarata 3 Chome, Kagoshima. We are proud to be the favorite choice for those interested in learning English across Kagoshima. We teach classes ranging from beginner to advanced level to all ages. We offer fast and effective ways to learn English with flexible learning options and customized learning programs. We help students gain skills and confidence through immersive and goal orientated language learning courses.

Why Choose Us

Whether you want to travel the world, communicate with friends and family or advance in your career—learning how to communicate effectively in English is a key factor providing a sense of confidence in oneself. You can achieve this by challenging yourself. Through our programs we can help you improve your English skillset, encourage intellectual development, introduce a global perspective, and help you enhance your future career opportunities.

Our Philosophy

When it comes to teaching English, learning-through-playing is regarded as the current mainstay by the Japanese education system. However, it is our belief that there is an inherent limit as to how much English a person could learn from a mere immersion in an English-speaking environment. Therefore, the academic approach is the backbone of our courses, in which we prioratize learning over playing. Moreover, we provide easily comprehensible lessons matching students’ level that leave lasting and retainable memories.

Our Methodology

We provide easily comprehensible lessons matching students’ level that leave lasting and retainable memories. Important points are made clear, practiced thoroughly and repeated whenever necessary until key concepts are well understood. Clear explanation, practice and repetition embody our teaching method. Our students quickly expand their knowledge base primarily with the conversation practice they get in class and through the support of their parents before and after lessons at home. This in-class/at-home learning cycle is the core of our teaching method and underpins the success our students have achieved.

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